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Art Vibes – Let's share beauty | February 17, 2025

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The New York subway, by Stanley Kubrick

The New York subway,  by Stanley Kubrick The New York subway, by Stanley Kubrick. Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Couple playing footsies on a subway. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.90E

| On 29, Gen 2015

Il desiderio di esplorare l’umanità nelle sue viscere.

di Redazione Art Vibes

Prima di diventare un celebre regista, autore di capolavori cinematografici come “2001 Odissea nello spazio“, “Arancia meccanica” e “Shining“, Stanley Kubrick aveva lavorato come fotografo per Look Magazine quando aveva solo 17 anni.
Dotato di un gusto estetico particolare e un’attenzione minuziosa alla narrazione visiva, ha impreziosito con le sue immagini una gran quantità di articoli nel periodo tra il 1945 e il 1950.
Tra i tanti reportage fotografici pubblicati, oggi il “Museum of the city of New York“, ha portato alla luce una serie di scatti sorprendenti che ritraggono passeggeri all’interno della metropolitana di New York, alle prese con i loro spostamenti quotidiani.
Kubrick ha catturato una serie affascinante che rivela la moda, lo stile e i comportamenti dei newyorkesi nel primo dopoguerra. Tra momenti intimi rubati e istantanee soggettive, il desiderio di questo genio creativo di esplorare l’umanità nelle sue viscere si stava già formando.

– via:

– photo courtesy of: Museum of the city of New York

The New York subway, by Stanley Kubrick
Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Women in a subway car. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.11E
Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Women in a subway car. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.11E

Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Men sleeping in a subway car. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.73C
Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Men sleeping in a subway car. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.73C

Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Passengers in a subway car. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.26C
Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Passengers in a subway car. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.26C

Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Woman waiting on a subway platform. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.81B
Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Woman waiting on a subway platform. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.81B

Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Passengers reading in a subway car. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.30D
Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Passengers reading in a subway car. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.30D

Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Man carrying flowers on a crowded subway. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.37C
Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Man carrying flowers on a crowded subway. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.37C

Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Couple playing footsies on a subway. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.90E
Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Couple playing footsies on a subway. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.90E

Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Woman knitting on a subway. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.11107.16
Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Woman knitting on a subway. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.11107.16

Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Passengers in a subway car. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.55E
Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Passengers in a subway car. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.55E

Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Passengers in a subway car. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.56E
Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. Passengers in a subway car. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.56E

Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. People on escalators in a subway station. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.61C
Stanley Kubrick. Life and Love on the New York City Subway. People on escalators in a subway station. 1946. Museum of the City of New York. X2011.4.10292.61C

The New York subway,  by Stanley Kubrick
The New York subway, by Stanley Kubrick
The New York subway, by Stanley Kubrick

Further reading:

– Museum of the city of NY blog:

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