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Art Vibes – Let's share beauty | February 7, 2025

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Danila Tkachenko - Restricted Areas

Danila Tkachenko – Restricted Areas

| On 08, Set 2016

La testimonianza della fine di un progresso architettonico e ideologico.

di Redazione Art Vibes

Picture: Danila Tkachenko – Restricted areas, Water contamination test at the lake around the previously closed scientific city Chelyabinsk-40. In 1964 there was the first nuclear catastrophe, one of the largest in history and equal in scale to Chernobyl, but it stayed secret. The city is surrounded by the lakes which are until now contaminated with radiation.

Danila Tkachenko nasce a Mosca, in Russia, nel 1989. Si forma presso la Rodchenko Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia ed oggi è un noto artista visivo che lavora con la fotografia di reportage. I suoi lavori sono stati esposti in gallerie e spazi espositivi sia nel suo paese d’origine che in diverse città europee e americane.

Restricted areas è un lavoro che Tkachenko ha realizzato perlustrando tutto il suo paese, dai confini col Kazakistan alla Bulgaria, fino al Circolo Polare Artico, alla ricerca di quelle aree destinate a usi militari e di ricerca spaziale rimaste segrete per tutto il periodo della Guerra Fredda. Del progresso tecnologico e della fede cieca nelle conquiste dopo anni non restano che rovine su un fondo bianco. Questi luoghi perdono così il loro significato originario, così come le ideologie che hanno dato loro vita. Ogni progresso arriva prima o poi a una fine: Tkachenko desidera portare una testimonianza di quello che ne resta. Il reportage è valso all’autore il Premio della Critica Arles 2015.


Danila Tkachenko – Restricted Areas
Danila Tkachenko - Restricted Areas. Airplane – amphibia with vertical take-off VVA14. The USSR built only two of them in 1976, one of which has crashed during transportation.
Restricted Areas. Airplane – amphibia with vertical take-off VVA14. The USSR built only two of them in 1976, one of which has crashed during transportation.

Danila Tkachenko - Restricted Areas. Tropospheric antenna in the north of Russia – the type of connection which has become obsolete. There were many of them built in far North, all of them deserted at the moment.
Restricted Areas. Tropospheric antenna in the north of Russia – the type of connection which has become obsolete. There were many of them built in far North, all of them deserted at the moment.

Danila Tkachenko - Restricted Areas. Monument of the Bulgarian Communist Party.
Restricted Areas – Monument of the Bulgarian Communist Party.

Danila Tkachenko - Restricted Areas. The world's largest diesel submarine.
Restricted Areas – The world’s largest diesel submarine.

Danila Tkachenko - Restricted Areas. Deserted observatory.
Restricted Areas – Deserted observatory.

Danila Tkachenko - Restricted Areas. Sarcophagus over a closed shaft which is 4 km deep – was one of the deepest scientific shafts in the world at the time.
Restricted Areas – Sarcophagus over a closed shaft which is 4 km deep – was one of the deepest scientific shafts in the world at the time.

– via: Art Vibes submission – photo credits: © Danila Tkachenko – courtesy of: Si Fest

– Danila Tkachenko website:

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