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Jiyong Lee - Segmentation, glass sculptures

Jiyong Lee – Segmentation, glass sculptures

| On 04, Ago 2014

Le sue sculture geometriche in vetro simboleggiano l’iter biologico che porta alla formazione di una vita.

di Redazione Art Vibes

L’artista Jiyong Lee, da sempre sensibile al tema dello sviluppo della vita e allo studio delle cellule, ha trasferito questa passione nelle sue produzioni attraverso la realizzazione di complesse sculture geometriche in vetro.
La serie, qui riportata, intitolata “Segmentation” si ispira proprio al processo che porta alla formazione di una nuova cellula, da una singola si passa attraverso un milione di divisioni per arrivare alla formazione di una vita.

Le sue sculture rappresentano cellule, embrioni, strutture biologiche e molecolari, che, come i mattoni, simboleggiano il punto di partenza per la costruzione di una vita.

– Images credits: ©

– via:

Segmentation, glass sculptures - Orange Seed Segmentation, 2009; acid etched glass
Segmentation, glass sculptures – Orange Seed Segmentation, 2009; acid etched glass.
Segmentation, glass sculptures - genetic building block series-yellow & green
Segmentation, glass sculptures – genetic building block series-yellow & green

Segmentation, glass sculptures - genetic building block series- yellow & green segment
Segmentation, glass sculptures – genetic building block series- yellow & green segment

Segmentation, glass sculptures - Yellow and Green Segmentation, 2009; acid etched glass
Segmentation, glass sculptures – Yellow and Green Segmentation, 2009; acid etched glass.
Segmentation, glass sculptures - Homage to DNA, 2009
Segmentation, glass sculptures – Homage to DNA, 2009
Segmentation, glass sculptures - Purple Seed Segmentation, 2008; acid etched glass;
Segmentation, glass sculptures – Purple Seed Segmentation, 2008; acid etched glass.
Segmentation, glass sculptures - Black & white embryo segmentation
Segmentation, glass sculptures – Black & white embryo segmentation
Segmentation, glass sculptures - Green leaf cuboid, 2010
Segmentation, glass sculptures – Green leaf cuboid, 2010
Segmentation, glass sculptures - Cube segmentation-missing block series, 2011
Segmentation, glass sculptures – Cube segmentation-missing block series, 2011

Further reading:

– Jiyong Lee website:

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