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All About Photo awards 2020 - The Mind’s Eye

All About Photo awards 2020 – The Mind’s Eye

| On 14, Apr 2020

Gli scatti vincitori del prestigioso contest internazionale di fotografia: “All About Photo awards 2020“.

di Redazione Art Vibes

Picture:Monica Denevan – Photographer of the Year, cross the River, Burma
. From the series (Songs of the River: Portraits from Burma.) – © Monica Denevan, United States, 1st place winner, All About Photo Awards 2020.

All About Photo è un progetto editoriale, un magazine online dedicato al mondo della fotografia. Lanciato nel febbraio 2013 dall’editore/fotografo Sandrine Hermand-Grisel e dall’imprenditore Fabien Hermand, negli anni si è ritagliato un posto importante nel settore dedicato all’obiettivo.

Ogni anno All About Photo ospita contest fotografici, il più prestigioso si intitola All About Photo Awards, “The Mind’s Eye”, un concorso che registra sempre migliaia di partecipanti, attirati anche dai nomi prestigiosi che figurano tra i giurati.

L’edizione del 2020 ha visto trionfare Monica Denevan (USA) con l’immagine “Across the River, Burma”, tratta dalla serie “Songs of the River: Portraits from Burma”.

Al secondo posto si è classificato Gabriele Galimberti (Italia), al terzo posto si è piazzata Rebecca Moseman (USA), al quarto Nadia De Lange (Svizzera), mentre al quinto Nicole Cambre (Belgio).
Tra gli altri vincitori ricordiamo: Beverly Conley (Stati Uniti), Anne Berry (Stati Uniti), Lori Hawkins (Stati Uniti), Deb Young (Stati Uniti), Lynzy Billing (Filippine), Margaret McCarthy (Stati Uniti), Jo Ann Chaus (Stati Uniti), Brooke Shaden (Stati Uniti), Jennifer Garza-Cuen (USA), Hardijanto Budiman (Indonesia) ed Elena Paraskeva (Cipro).

Una giuria di 7 esperti tra cui Elizabeth Avedon (designer di mostre, curatrice e scrittrice indipendente), Laurent Baheux (fotografa, ambasciatore delle Nazioni Unite per l’ambiente e protettore attivo della fauna selvatica), Alex Cammarano (fondatore e CEO di Daylighted), Julia Decano (fotografo, educatore, scrittore e direttore esecutivo / fondatore del Los Angeles Center of Photography – LACP), Sandrine Hermand-Grisel (Photographer, Founder & Editor of All About Photo), Ann Jastrab (Direttore esecutivo, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA), e Juli Lowe (Direttore, Catherine Edelman Gallery) hanno selezionato le 40 fotografie vincitrici.

Tra le menzioni speciali si ricordano gli scatti di: Marcel van Balken (Paesi Bassi), Alain Schroeder (Belgio), Rory Doyle (Stati Uniti), Azim Khan Ronnie (Bangladesh), Tomas Neuwirth (Repubblica Ceca), Trung Pham Huy (Vietnam), Tony Law (Australia), Matthew Portch (Australia), Amos Chapple (Nuova Zelanda), Mustafa AbdulHadi (Bahrain), Francisco Diaz (USA), Kosuke Kitajima (Giappone), Xiangli Zhang (Cina), Chin Leong Teo (Giappone), Donell Gumiran (Emirati Arabi Uniti), Andre Fonseca (USA), Francesco Pace Rizzi (Italia), Peyman Naderi (Iran), Yoni Blau (Israele), Zay Yar Lin (Myanmar), Anuar Patjane (Messico), Svetlin Yosifov (Bulgaria), Dotan Saguy (USA), Kohei Ueno (Giappone) e Go Nakamura (Stati Uniti).

I primi 5 vincitori hanno ricevuto un premio pari a $ 10.000. Tutti i premiati pubblicheranno i loro lavori sul sito Web Lenscratchc, oltre ad apparire nel numero di AAP Magazine “Special Edition All About Photo Awards 2020”.

Ecco una gallery con alcuni degli scatti premiati:


Gabriele Galimberti - Florida
, Avery Skipalis (33) – Tampa, Florida / THE AMERIGUNS
Gabriele Galimberti – Florida
, Avery Skipalis (33) – Tampa, Florida / THE AMERIGUNS – In the States there are more guns than people. 120.5 registered firearms for every 100 residents and the statistic doesn’t count not-registers firearms As an European, I started wondering if owning many weapons by a single person or family is a common habit in the US. I traveled across the US and created a series of 45 portrait of families or single individuals, including all races and beliefs, together with their firearms. – © Gabriele Galimberti, Italy, 2nd place winner, All About Photo Awards 2020.

©Rebecca Moseman - Philomena
, United States, 3rd place winner, All About Photo Awards 2020
Rebecca Moseman – Philomena
. A little Irish Traveler girl looks out of her family car before going home to her family’s Illegal encampment. – © Rebecca Moseman, United States, 3rd place winner, All About Photo Awards 2020.

© Marcel van Balken - Netherlands, Polarbearpet, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020
© Marcel van Balken – Netherlands, Polarbearpet, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020. Climate change, and the loss of sea ice habitat, is the greatest threat to polar bears. More and more polar bears are being forced ashore, away from their sea-ice hunting grounds. But it does not make sense to make your home (or bathroom) available as a haven for the polar bear. It’s better to spread awareness about the real and pressing threat of climate change.

© Alain Schroeder, Belgium -  Saving Orangutans 72 , Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020
© Alain Schroeder, Belgium – Saving Orangutans 72 , Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020. Indonesia, Sumatra, Aceh province, Jantho Reintroduction Centre located in the Jantho Pine Forest Nature Reserve. At dawn, veterinarian Pandu crosses the Krueng Aceh river in a small boat carrying Diana, an 8-year-old female orangutan, for a final release.

© Brooke Shaden, United States - Reflection: Departed
, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020
© Brooke Shaden, United States – Reflection: Departed
, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020. The frame is a symbol for our frame of reference, the way we frame ourselves, and inaccuracy of depiction. Here she climbs through the frame only to disappear through the other side.

© Anuar Patjane - Mexico, Eye sea. Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020.
© Anuar Patjane – Mexico, Eye sea. Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020. A school of Bigeye trevaly and divers at Cabo Pulmo National Park, Mexico.

© Kosuke Kitajima, Japan - A monkey entering a Japanese hot spring. Had various expressions like a person. Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020
© Kosuke Kitajima, Japan – A monkey entering a Japanese hot spring. Had various expressions like a person. Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020.

© Donell Gumiran, United Arab Emirates - The Story Teller, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020
© Donell Gumiran, United Arab Emirates – The Story Teller, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020. The Kara people, who speak an Omotic language, are a small group (approximately 1,000 people) occupying the left bank of the Omo River.

© Go Nakamura, United States - In the fog of teargas, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020
© Go Nakamura, United States – In the fog of teargas, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020. Anti-government protesters are seen in in the fog of teargas which was deployed by riot police force during confrontation outside of Central Government Complex in Central District of Hong Kong on September 15, 2019 Protesters use umbrella, gas mask, and goggles to protect them self from tear gas and water canon.

© Mustafa AbdulHadi, Bahrain - Step by Step, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020
© Mustafa AbdulHadi, Bahrain – Step by Step, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020. Impression Lijiang is a cultural show which demonstrating the traditions and lifestyle of local Naxi, Yi and Bai ethnics of the area. It is the second outdoor production of famous film director, Zhang Yimou which debuts an open-air performance at the foot of Yulong Xueshan (Jade Dragon Snow Mountain) about 3500 meters above sea level. The performance stage is specially designed to showcase the mountain as the best backdrop of the show. More than 500 local people from ten ethnic groups

© Hardijanto Budiman, Indonesia - Windows Of Our Soul, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020
© Hardijanto Budiman, Indonesia – Windows Of Our Soul, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020. Let there be many windows to your Soul That all the glory of the world may beautify it! I love anything related to Surreal World and This picture represented my actualization about Surreal Art in Photography –

© Azim Khan Ronnie, Bangladesh, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020
© Azim Khan Ronnie, Bangladesh – Making soy sauce, Particular Merit Mention, All About Photo Awards 2020. Cu Da village in Hanoi’s, Vietnam been making soy sauce since its founding more than 400 years ago. In the past, every local household stored several jars of soy sauce to use all year round. Today, soy sauce is made not only for villagers’s own use, but to sell outside the village. 
The soy sauce is made from glutinous rice, salt, soybeans, and water. The sauce is more delicious if it is made with rain water. The rice should be ‘Nep cai hoa vang’, a special variety of sticky rice of high quality and special flavor grown mainly in the northern delta and midland provinces.
Cooked glutinous rice is fermented for several days in an incubation chamber. After 6 days, the rice koji, resembling soft green-lentil cake, is moved to a salt tank. It is sold in big supermarkets in provinces and cities nationwide and is exported to other Asian countries –

– via: Art Vibes submission

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