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Art Vibes – Let's share beauty | July 27, 2024

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Sharon Avraham - Color in Motion

Sharon Avraham – Color in Motion

| On 13, Ott 2014

Costruire il proprio mondo visivo attingendo dal materiale umano.

di Redazione Art Vibes

Top image: “Merging” – Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art.

L’esperimento fotografico “Color in motion“, firmato dal fotografo Sharon Avraham, cattura silhouette di colore in grado di conservare il senso del movimento.
Studente presso la Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design di Gerusalemme, co-fondatore di Midburn, la manifestazione regionale Burning Man in Israele, risiede all’interno della comunità artistica chiamata “David Ranch” che sostiene artisti provenienti da tutto il mondo desiderosi di volere far crescere il loro talento espressivo.


Color dancer, Colors in Motion - Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
“Color dancer” – Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art

Il suo lavoro vuole sorpassare le barriere razziali, per arrivare a mostrare “solo il mondo interiore”.
Si ispira a fotografi come Ryan McGinley e alle teorie sulla fotografia in movimento di Eadweard Muybridge e alle opere futuriste di Marcel Duchamp, arrivando ad esplorare l’interazione tra la velocità dei corpi in movimento ed il colore attraverso una tecnica davvero innovativa.

Ho lasciato che il materiale mi guidasse. Mentre il ballerino si muoveva io volevo solo catturare quell’attimo magico“.

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything”

(Sharon Avraham)

– images via: Color in Motion, Sharon Avraham Portfolio

– Photo credits: © Sharon Avraham

Sharon Avraham – Color in Motion
Colors in Motion - Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
“Color in motion” – Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art

Aviv-2, Colors in Motion - Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
“Aviv-2” – Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art

Blue shadow, Colors in Motion - Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
“Blue shadow” – Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art

Two face, Colors in Motion - Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
“Two face” – Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
Magenta, Colors in Motion - Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
“Magenta” – Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art

Romance, Colors in Motion - Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
“Romance” – Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
Mama dancer, Colors in Motion - Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
“Mama dancer” – Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art

Misty, Colors in Motion - Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
“Misty” – Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art

Sunflower, Colors in Motion - Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
“Sunflower” – Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art

Flaming lotus, Colors in Motion - Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
“Flaming lotus” – Exploring body and movement trough photography and body art
Sharon Avraham – Color in Motion

Further reading:

– Sharon Avraham website:

– Sharon Avraham facebook fan page:

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