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Art Vibes – Let's share beauty | February 13, 2025

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Kim Byungkwan - Portrait Paintings

Kim Byungkwan – Portrait Paintings Kim Byungkwan - Portrait Paintings

| On 29, Mag 2014

Insoliti ritratti caratterizzati da scarabocchi e macchie di vernice.

di Redazione Art Vibes

Kim Byungkwan è un artista della Corea del Sud, realizza insoliti ritratti caratterizzati da scarabocchi e macchie di vernice, cerca di creare una nuova visione che distrugge gli schemi abituali.
I suoi acrilici hanno un che di spaventoso, inquietante ma in qualche modo attraente.

Riportiamo una dichiarazione estrapolata dal suo profilo Behance:

What I would like to express through my work is very simple.
I am trying to bring out strangeness from familiarity (visual habit).
Everything there is out there in this world, more or less, provides familiar vision.
This familiar vision can be replaced as habit. This habitual vision which every object gives us and creates comfort. However it shuts down all the other possibilities.
The habitual vision or visual habit makes us go by the routine ways. It stops us from having adventure and checking out the wonders out there.
My work is trying to destroy, tear up, and reconstruct this habitual vision so that our vision can be expended to other images.
I have strong faith in my work that my personal behaviour may lead us “strangeness within habitual vision off from the track.

(Kim Byungkwan)



Kim Byungkwan - Portrait Paintings
Portrait Paintings

Kim Byungkwan - Portrait Paintings
Portrait Paintings

Kim Byungkwan - Portrait Paintings
Portrait Paintings

Kim Byungkwan - Portrait Paintings
Portrait Paintings

Kim Byungkwan - Portrait Paintings
Portrait Paintings

Kim Byungkwan - Portrait Paintings
Portrait Paintings

Kim Byungkwan - Portrait Paintings
Portrait Paintings

Kim Byungkwan - Portrait Paintings
Portrait Paintings

Kim Byungkwan - Portrait Paintings
Portrait Paintings


– All Images via:

Further Reading:

– Kim Byungkwan Behance profile:


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