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Art Vibes – Let's share beauty | July 27, 2024

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teamLab - Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees - Dragonfly Lake

teamLab – Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees – Dragonfly Lake

| On 01, Feb 2020

Indagare la relazione tra l’uomo e il mondo attraverso l’arte: a Singapore la nuova installazione interattiva ed immersiva del collettivo giapponese teamLab.

di Redazione Art Vibes

Picture: teamLab
Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees – Dragonfly Lake, 2019, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi © teamLab. teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery.

In occasione delle celebrazioni per il Bicentenario di Singapore (200 ° anniversario dell’arrivo degli inglesi) sono stati organizzati una serie di eventi commemorativi memorabili. Tra questi spicca l’esibizione del collettivo artistico giapponese teamLab all’interno della cornice del Gardens by the Bay, giardino nazionale e principale attrazione orticola nel cuore di Marina Bay, nel centro di Singapore. Intitolata #futuretogether ha aperto al pubblico il 16 gennaio 2020.

teamLab mira a esplorare una nuova relazione tra l’uomo e il mondo attraverso l’arte. Le opere d’arte di #futuretogether si trasformano con la presenza dei visitatori, uno scambio che ridefinisce il rapporto tra le persone nel medesimo spazio.


Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees – Dragonfly Lake – video courtesy of: teamLab

All’interno del ventaglio di opere creative interattive di #futuretogether ci ha molto colpito l’installazione intitolata “Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees – Dragonfly Lake”. Protagonisti assoluti degli ovoidi di luce impilati in verticale sulla superficie del Dragonfly Lake. La luce degli ovoidi e quella degli alberi sono autonome: brillano intensamente e poi svaniscono lentamente, come se respirassero.

Quando un ovoide viene spinto, il colore della sua luce cambia ed emette un suono specifico per quel determinato colore. La luce risuona sugli ovoidi e sugli alberi vicini, con il tono del suono che risuona continuamente come la luce, diffondendosi sia tra gli ovoidi che tra gli alberi.

L’interattività crea un’esperienza che trascende e confonde i confini tra le persone e le opere d’arte, e tra il sé e gli altri.


teamLab - Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees - Dragonfly Lake, 2019, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi © teamLab.  teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery.
teamLab – Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees – Dragonfly Lake, 2019, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi © teamLab. teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery.

teamLab - Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees - Dragonfly Lake, 2019, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi © teamLab.  teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery.
teamLab – Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees – Dragonfly Lake, 2019, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi © teamLab. teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery.

teamLab - Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees - Dragonfly Lake, 2019, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi © teamLab.  teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery.
teamLab – Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees – Dragonfly Lake, 2019, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi © teamLab. teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery.

teamLab - Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees - Dragonfly Lake, 2019, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi © teamLab.  teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery.
teamLab – Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees – Dragonfly Lake, 2019, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi © teamLab. teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery.

teamLab - Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees - Dragonfly Lake, 2019, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi © teamLab.  teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery.
teamLab – Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees – Dragonfly Lake, 2019, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi © teamLab. teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery.

– via: – photo credits: Filippo teamLab

Exhibition info: teamLab – Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water and Resonating Trees – Dragonfly Lake.

When: 15 Dicembre 2019 – 15 marzo 2020.
Where: Gardens by the bay – Singapore.

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